Thursday, 23 June 2011

The Start of My Life Coaching Business

Wow I cannot believe what a manic and busy time I am having since I made that tough decision to come out of running my business with my partner just over a couple of months ago. I am buzzing with the excitment of my new business venture and wanted to share with you how it was going.

I have now choosen the areas I want to specialise in, some of you may have seen on my website what they are. If you are not aware I am going to let you know now and tell you the reasons why I am specialising in these areas.

Personal Coaching

This is an area I feel soooo passionately about. It saddens me to think we are living our lives day by day, plodding along with the same routine and not making the most of this special life we have been given. I know as I have been one of them, I have also heard it from alot of people, that there are things we want to do in our lives, the dreams we have that just stay thoughts and dreams and never turn into reality. We think we are too busy, not good enough, scared of failing, think people will think we are mad and we continue to dream. I have two questions for you............. Is the life you are living now the actual life you want? Do you have dreams of doing something else? I did, I wanted to become a life coach and now I am and I want to help other people who have dreams and goals and help people turn their dreams and thoughts into reality.

2) Especially for Mummy's Coaching

Well I know too well how your life changes as soon as you become a Mummy. Its the best role I have ever had but also the hardest and emotional role I have ever had too. I will never forget when I went round to my friends house who has 2 little children, as soon as she opened the door to me she was in floods of tears. My friend had her own business before she had her children and loved to live life to the full. She used to work abroad and was full of confidence. The person who opened the door was a different person. She was tired, had cabin fever, and felt like she had lost who she was. Now I do believe when you have children they are the most important things in your life, I know my daughter comes first and since having her I have become more grounded and she will always take first place in my life. However I do think as well is that you musn't loose who you were before, this scares me and scared me to see my friend like it as you want to enjoy your children and be the best Mummy you could ever be. I want to help Mummy's embrace their new roles but also keep their identities and maintain that healthy balance.

3) Small Business Coaching

Ok I have been there and got the t-shirt so to speak. I didn't need to go to Uni to study a degree in Business, I have learnt by going out there and doing it for myself. The lessons I have learnt have been invaluabe. You are so vunerable as a small business and I want to help other small businesses with the knowledge I have gained. When you have a skill such as a trade for example electrician, plumber, builder, beautician, hairdresser etc you are so good at your trade so you decide to start out on your own. What you need to know is there's a whole lot more to having your business, important and crucial things like administration, cash flow, accounts, communication skills, sales and marketing and also the stress that comes along with it, it's all down to you now and it can be tough. But having your own business is so rewarding too and should be enjoyable, I want to help take away those stresses so you can enjoy your dream of running your own business. My dream was always to have my own business and even though it's been hard I will never go back to being employed. Personally this is the best thing for me, however the stresses and challenges that running a business can bring could have thrown me back into employment at some points.

4) Career Coaching.

This is my background, this is where I started helping people and gained so much knowledge, training and qualifications. I spent 6 years helping people back into work and loved it. Work is such a crucial part of your life as it brings in the money to pay those bills and more exciting then that treats for you. Everybody needs to work this is the ethic of life, my Mum drummed into me how important going to work was and I think that's why I am so ambitious, so thank you Mum. It is hard to find employment and people's thoughts are tarnished with how hard the econmy is right now and yes there have been redundancies and lack of jobs but there have also been upcoming businesses and sectors too recruiting, we just need to concentrate more on where they are instead of where they are not. Finding the career for you, job searching and all the skills you need to apply for work can be daunting and I want to help people to develop those skills. I gained so much knowledge, training and experience in my previous career I want to continue to pass it on.

And there they are, you now know the areas I am going to specialise in and the reasons why. I feel its important for people to know the reasons I am specialising in these areas as my passion lies within them and my passion is what drives me to deliver the coaching.

I am half way through my diploma and still getting those A's. I don't know how I would feel now if I got anything else. It's hard to come down when you are at the top!!!!! I have signed up for coaching on my public speaking so excited about that as this is a big thing for me to overcome both professionally and personally. I have set up a website profile have a look if you haven't already . I have designed and ordered my business cards, flyers etc so hopefully receiving them soon.

I am currently working with my first paying customer and have brought in introductory rates so I can start to offer my services.

Things are good and I am buzzing with excitment!!!

Thank you so much for reading, please tell me you thoughts by leaving comments as this will help me so  much with my business/personal development and confidence.

I will be in touch soon with another post, all about the dreaded self esteem next time :)

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